Can someone please tell me what happened to courting? Do you even
remember courting? You do know courting, right? In the romantic sense, I mean:
courting - to seek the affections of; woo; to seek another's love. I was never notified that the idea was
extinct. There was no news bulletin, no FB post, no mass email or text message.
Courting just became extinct while we were busy figuring out who we are and
what we want out of life. We were too busy being selfish to realize that
courting was slowly fading away, and like all great things, we don’t seem to
notice its absence until it’s completely gone.
I’m trying to understand at what point this ‘dating’ thing became
acceptable to our (my) generation. I’ve been told for a couple of years now to
give online dating a try (since I’m not for meeting someone in a club or bar).
I’ve been told to put myself out there (apparently I’ve become some sort of
merchandise that I must market to the masses to find out if there are any
interested parties). Well, I decided to take the advice of those who like to
shyly remind me of my horrific single status. (Did you get that?) What I’ve
found is that the idea of courting, something a hopeless romantic like myself
still finds appealing, has become extinct. I’m still trying to figure out why
this information was never made public. Here’s what I’ve found…
My generation of individuals have come to the conclusion that it’s
perfectly acceptable to assume that a first date should take place at my
residence (!) so that we can relax, watch a movie and get to know one another.
I apologize, WHAT?!? Call me stubborn, call me a prude, or better yet – call me
OLD FASHIONED. A first date does NOT include some strange person I don’t know
coming over to my house to do who knows what to me or my home. Even more
interesting is the fact that the suggestion of said first date is brought up
the very first time we converse. What about me, after a five minute
conversation, screams, “Hey, why don’t you just come on over right now?”
Also seemingly acceptable is the audacity of an individual to pry
into my sexual life after asking if my name really is Aja. Hmm, I don’t even
really know how to word my response. Let’s see, once again I apologize for
finding this ridiculous. Please refer to the previous list of names that I
approve of you calling me. Here’s my answer to your very probing and intimate
questions – My level of freakiness is not of your concern at this time. How
many times a day I want to have you “beat it up” is now zero. As for all of the
other inappropriate questions, well, the non-disclosure I had to sign during my
time at the Bunny Ranch prohibits me from discussing this information. Oh, and
by the way, no. My name is really Antarctica, but Aja is oh so much easier to
spell. WTH!
My all-time favorite are those people who put that they are
looking for a long-term, serious relationship. The ones that want to find
someone to marry. To those of you that blatantly lie in your profile – STOP.
You’re not going to meet your future wife by starting off with this behavior.
If in fact you are only looking for someone to make you feel good right now,
this instant, with no threat of an actual relationship – please make the quick
trip to Nevada. However, if you’re not able to afford that trip (the girls are
more expensive than the flight and hotel combined), try one of those old school chat
I guess my point in all of this is… well I’m not really sure. I
just think that maybe if we as people took the time to actually get to know the
person we are interested in, we wouldn’t be a generation of complete horn balls
running around trying to find our next fix.
Try asking meaningful questions. Find out what my likes and
interests are. Put some thought into our first meeting. If you’re not able to
muster up that much energy, the played out dinner and a movie will do. At least
you’re trying to make an effort. And before you throw out that tired old FWB
approach, don’t. I have friends, and I’m sure if I needed the benefits, a few
would be more than happy to oblige.
Now ladies, don’t go screaming Amen just yet. These fools didn’t
just decide that this is how they will approach dating. We have to take responsibility
for our part in this. We need to stop making this behavior acceptable. We have
to realize our worth before we can expect anyone else to. Stop pretending that
this sort of behavior is cute or welcome. Be a strong woman and stand up for
what you want and what you believe in. I’m sure I’ve upset quite a few people
on POF, and that’s fine with me. I don’t want a relationship with someone who
is only after my lady parts and not ALL of me.
Relationships fall apart because the two involved aren’t willing
to work through their differences (most of the time). If you’re not willing to
work at trying to get to know someone, then you sure aren’t going to stick
around when the real relationship trials begin.
Courting, please come back. We are in desperate need of your