Tuesday, September 11, 2018


You know those perfect lives you see… the ones in public, or on social media. You know how they’re all picture perfect, with their pretty little people and their pretty little pictures… ughh, I actually get exhausted just thinking about them. I want to BE them. Obviously, I’m not. Guess what… that’s absolutely freaking okay.

For me, life is hard. It’s hard to get through each moment of each day. That’s okay. Not everyone was meant to be a bubbly, picture perfect example of life. You want to know what’s not okay? Comparing yourself to these ideals of life! Guess what, every single person in life has difficulties. The difficulties will more than likely be different than yours, they may be things that you think aren’t difficult, and they may be things you don’t think you could ever handle. Just understand this – everyone likes to air their greatness, no one likes to air their defeat. This took me a long time to understand. I’m guilty of allowing the picture perfectness of others to affect my own personal beliefs about myself and my life. I was in a really dark, depressed, and scary place. To be honest, there were times I didn’t want to continue existing. Yes, that kind of dark and scary place. The good news is, I got through it! With only two little words, I managed to scrape and crawl my way out of my most darkest times.


That’s it, really. Some people call it finding a positive. Others call it being grateful. At that time in my life, positive and grateful weren’t words I could comprehend. AT LEAST. Those were words that somehow made it through the little cracks in my dark world. Those were the words that slapped me in the face and made me realize that my life, as dark and scary as it was, was worth living. No, my life wasn’t great. It wasn’t even good at that point. However… AT LEAST it was MY LIFE. I had a life. Having a life meant I had options and opportunities.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m still not where I’d like to be in life. AT LEAST I’m not where I was. I’d like to challenge you to find the AT LEAST in your life. Being an adult and doing life is hard. It can get to the best of us. When you’re down, defeated, and just exhausted – find the AT LEAST!

I’m always broke – AT LEAST I have a roof over my head.
My car is old and crappy – AT LEAST it’s still running.
I always have to say no when invited out – AT LEAST I have food to eat at home.
Everything in my life seems to be against me – AT LEAST I’m alive!

Changing your attitude and lifestyle is a HUGE and difficult choice. It’s not an overnight process. When we are so focused on pointing out the negatives, trying to be positive and grateful can be overwhelming. Instead of backing down or giving up, just look for your AT LEAST. Everyone has one. I promise you, even the homeless, jobless, lost soul has an AT LEAST. Start off small, find your AT LEAST just once a day. You’ll soon find yourself finding an AT LEAST to everything. Then maybe, just maybe, you’ll become that annoyingly positive person that you’re always complaining about. You may realize that the positive person isn’t actually annoying – you were just envious of what you thought was their picture perfect...

#MuchLove #KindnessAlways #FindYourAtLeast