Tuesday, October 6, 2015


I have days where I wake up and I’m just not in a good mood. I’m not necessarily in a bad mood, just irritable and aggravated. I can’t explain why this is or where it comes from. I have other days where everything seems to be going wrong… my depression is at a high, my life seems to be pointless and Newton’s laws are in full swing. These days don’t have anything particular to do with anyone, nor are they a result of anyone’s actions/attitude towards me. It’s something I go through. Sometimes, situations with other people may add to the stress level I’m dealing with, sometimes it may just be that my entire day is one stressful situation after another. I say all of this to say BE MINDFUL.

I’m sure that we ALL have days or weeks where we aren’t our best. We all deal with life – seeing as how we are all living. Everyone has to deal with stuff, everyone. Even a one week old will scream for something (usually they want food, or need a diaper changing). My point here is this, WE ALL GO THROUGH THINGS, WE ALL DEAL WITH STUFF. Remember this the next time you feel like someone is being rude or mean. Remember this when you think someone is being bitchy or stuck up. Just because someone doesn’t behave the way you feel they should at a particular moment doesn’t mean their behavior has anything to do with you.

The person next to you may be quiet and keeping to themselves because they have a lot going on that you don’t know about. Maybe it’s family oriented. Maybe it’s finances. Maybe it’s personal and not really any of your business.

Here’s a random thought – STOP BEING SO JUDGEMENTAL and BE MINDFUL instead. Don’t go around talking about how rude or stuck up someone is being. Don’t go around asking a million questions to find out if anyone knows what’s going on with another person. Just BE MINDFUL that maybe the person is dealing with his/her own stuff and may be just a bit too exhausted to entertain you at the moment.  Stop being a pest and instead, offer some encouragement. Send a private message letting them know that you hope they have a great day. If you can’t do that, just send a smiley face. You’d be surprised what a smile can do.

Oh, and while you’re BEING MINDFUL, go ahead and focus on yourself and try to figure out what you’re trying to avoid dealing with by being concerned about everyone else’s business. Just a thought.

Much Love!


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